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Troubleshoot SeaTalk notifications on Windows 10

There are cases where Windows 10 is unable to prompt notifications from certain apps. These apps can include SeaTalk Desktop.
If you’re not receiving notifications from the SeaTalk Desktop app on your Windows 10 device, you should first check your SeaTalk notification settings and your Windows notification settings.
Once you confirm that the settings are correct but you’re still not receiving any notifications from SeaTalk, follow the steps below. This should fix Windows 10 notifications and allow the SeaTalk Desktop app to send notifications.

1. Unzip the file

Please note: you must be logged in as a user with administrator rights to your Windows 10 device.

  • Download this zip file to your computer.
  • Unzip the file. You should see all the files extracted in its own folder.

2. Run the right file as administrator

  • Check the version of Windows 10 (i.e. 32-bit or 64-bit) your device is using.
  • If your device is running the 32-bit version, right-click the seatalk-fix-notification-window-x86-32bits file and select Run as administrator.
  • If your device is running the 64-bit version, right click the seatalk-fix-notification-window-x64-64bits file and select Run as administrator.
  • In the dialog box, click Yes to allow the file to make changes to your device.
  • Once done, check the confirmation matches the screenshot below.

  • If the confirmation message is different, send us a bug report on desktop.
  • If the confirmation message is similar, close the window and continue to the next step.

3. Sign out of Windows

Please note: you must ensure all work and open windows are saved before logging out.

You should start receiving SeaTalk notifications going forwards. If not, repeat the steps and try restarting your device after.
If the issue still persists, send us a bug report on desktop.

Updated 12 Dec, 2022

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